Saturday, December 27, 2008

Radiation 1/2 complete!

Troy was pretty sick on Christmas. His throat is real sore right now, he has had some bad nausea, and he hasn't been getting good sleep. He started taking his nausea medicine more frequently and that seems to be resolving the situation with the nausea. He started taking the pain medication for his throat again (he thought that was giving him the nausea) and that seems to be helping his throat. We just pray for the sleep to happen and that's just a crap shoot as to whether it will happen or not. It's just a vicious cycle that we know will end at some point. Anyway, he starts his 19th treatment Monday and has another short week because of the holiday week schedule at the radiation center. One thing that I can say is that he looks great and has been keeping his weight above his normal weight. He's made it his mission to not lose any weight by using the feeding tube for all his meals. He's pretty much hooked up to his gravity bag pole all day long (each can takes about an hour and he eats about 6-7 cans a day). He's doing great and has a lot to be proud about. Thanks, again, for all your prayers. It seems as though they really have been working! Also, we want to send special prayers and ask you for additional prayers to Troy's cousin, Pat DeSimone, who is going through a much harder battle with cancer herself. Our prayers to Pat and her family at this time. It's hard enough to go through this, but it's even harder to cope when it's around the holidays. God bless you all.

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