Sunday, May 24, 2009

Post Surgery

Troy's surgery went very well on Monday. He worked from home on Tuesday and then went back into the office on Wednesday. He only took a pain pill once. We went to Audrey Egitton's graduation party yesterday. Joe, Audrey's dad, works with Troy, and Sharon, Joe's wife, has helped us out a few times here at the house when we needed someone to watch the kids while we were at doctors' appointments. It was a really nice time. Derek and Ryan had a busy week. Along with playing with the kids at the party last night, we had a full week of play dates - once with William (a friend from Derek's class) and we met up with Blake, Gabriel, & Olivia at the park nearby (also friends from Derek's class). We also took a trip to the airport for a tour. Derek had his last gymnastics class on Friday, but we signed him up for a more advanced class for the summer. Derek is begging me to get off the computer right now so he can play on Kidzui - one of his favorite computer spots! We are loving this long weekend even though it has been rainy.

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