Sunday, May 24, 2009

Post Surgery

Troy's surgery went very well on Monday. He worked from home on Tuesday and then went back into the office on Wednesday. He only took a pain pill once. We went to Audrey Egitton's graduation party yesterday. Joe, Audrey's dad, works with Troy, and Sharon, Joe's wife, has helped us out a few times here at the house when we needed someone to watch the kids while we were at doctors' appointments. It was a really nice time. Derek and Ryan had a busy week. Along with playing with the kids at the party last night, we had a full week of play dates - once with William (a friend from Derek's class) and we met up with Blake, Gabriel, & Olivia at the park nearby (also friends from Derek's class). We also took a trip to the airport for a tour. Derek had his last gymnastics class on Friday, but we signed him up for a more advanced class for the summer. Derek is begging me to get off the computer right now so he can play on Kidzui - one of his favorite computer spots! We are loving this long weekend even though it has been rainy.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Surgery tomorrow

Well, we survived Disney! It was a wonderful trip, but as it goes with 2 young children, it was a lot of work and we were happy to be home. We had a really busy week last week. Troy had a few appointments. He had one with the ENT for his monthly visit and Dr. Riley said that he has one of the best looking throats around. He went to the dentist on Wednesday and Dr. Friedrich said that everything looked great. Troy doesn't have any cavities or damage from the radiation and his saliva is pretty productive. Troy feels like his mouth is pretty dry though. He also had to go to the hospital for blood tests on Thursday because he has his surgery tomorrow to remove his chemo port. Besides Troy's appointments, Derek had his skills testing Monday morning for his entrance to Kindergarten. He had an appointment on Tuesday to see the allergist. There isn't much to report except that Derek has a propensity to hives. They don't test for allergies to sorbitol and the doctor thinks it is highly unlikely that this is what his allergy is to. He wants him to take Zyrtec every night and Troy and I aren't so sure we want to do that so we are just waiting for the next allergic reaction. He has only had a few outbreaks in 5 years so we really don't think it warrants medicating him at this point. Derek also had his end of the year party on Thursday and his graduation on Friday. One of the pictures above is of him with his teachers, Miss Cassi and Miss Betsey. The other picture is Derek with 2 of his best friends, Alex and Gabriel. We are very proud of him. He has come a long way in this past year. He is more outgoing than he has been in the past and he has learned a lot at preschool academically. He is ready for Kindergarten!! Anyway, it has been a busy couple of weeks and now that summer is kicking in, we will be spending a lot of time at the pool and doing fun things around Atlanta. We'll keep you updated on all the happenings. We will let you know how Troy's surgery goes tomorrow as well. Thank you in advance to Marian and Torie, my friends and neighbors, for helping us out with the kids.